Tag Archives: Italian

A Leah Story!

This story of me, well a bit of it anyway!. I created this a few weeks back for my friend Dani (teacher) to use for her classes. I got feedback that the part where I speak about my mother being difficult to understand, so I’ve included a written version, word for word later on.

I started by saying my parents origins were African American, which included both my mother and father,Caucasian, which is a nice word we use for white, (you’ve probably heard it) and American Indian, than I say, my father was….

The part of the video about my mother
Here’s what I’m saying word for word, I noticed I did speed up for some reason during her photos:

My mother was beautiful!
She was born in Kentucky, and her family raised Quarter Horses
Which is a., they are a type of horse that are kind of stocky (strong, heavier, not fat though, short legs,) and quite beautiful themselves.
She was an artist too and liked to paint
From her I learned to accept people for who they are and not judge them for the way that they look.
I also learned that you can use turtles to make turtle soup! Eeewh, I’ve never tried making turtle soup myself though because., poor turtles! I can’t imagine using a turtle for soup!

The turtle soup thing was supposed to be funny ha! Maybe not for Italians! Have you heard of turtle soup? The photo is actually not that type of turtle they use for soup though, the real thing is called a soft shell turtle, they have a strange long nose, are big, kind of cute and really hang out in the water far more than others. I came across them in Florida a couple of times, crossing the street, it’s amazing! They’re so big if you hit them you’ll damage your car and it’s easier to just park and move them out of the way!

So here’s a Leah story. Hope you enjoy it!