
Seriously Silly Fish (formerly SillyFish) was created to document the use of story telling and digital technology to facilitate English conversation among Italian speaking students learning English as a second language. Through the use of video, sound, and digital resources online it is possible to encourage conversations while completing or even discussing a project, all in the new target language.

The students involved range in age fromĀ  7 to 16. The academic part of learning the structure of the English language is covered in school beginning at the elementary level and continuing on through high school. Unfortunately the resources for actually using the language, language in action, are limited. That’s where Seriously Silly fish comes into play taking the place of a traditional lab environment in a fun and easily understandable way.

I’ve recently moved back to the US so these classes and workshops have come to an end. Still I hope that they inspire you to launch your own story projects and inspire your students to speak and laugh out loud by becoming just as silly and inventive as you possible can!



Big Silly Fish!