Tag Archives: English conversation

The Bear, The Owl, The Dog, The Cat, The Rabbit And The Cake! By: Greta and Paola

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xm1QtwTN5EE]

I’ve been using puppets for a few weeks now, everything from paper dolls to story cubes! The point is to use a puppet type to design, write, narrate, and/or act out a story using said puppets!

The story of the bear, owl, dog, cat, rabbit and the cake was entirely written and produced by youngsters Greta and Paola. They had to create the story of course, but also tell it to me. I wrote it down and than we took turns reading it aloud while Paola filmed and made the sound effects. For Paola who has just begun her English language adventure, this was a listening task, a chance to try to comprehend what she was hearing her sister and I read, I think she did a pretty good job! For her older sister Greta who has more experience with English. It was a chance to practice reading the written language aloud, and listen to a native speaker at the same time when I read my bits. But my favorite part of the film is when they break down and have a rapid discussion in Italian concerning a very important missing member of the cast. I gently tease them when I ask “What is a beer?” and they answer me back in Italian; “It’s a BEAR!” (silly teacher!)

I’m always blown away at how creative and proficient these little people are in all their endeavors and consider myself lucky to have such wonderful students!

You can also watch this video on YouTube: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xm1QtwTN5EE?wmode=transparent]

Oh.., and puppers are FANTASTIC by the way!