Tag Archives: creative education

The Dwarfs Gratuate! April, 2012

Graduation photo, Dwarfs Group

The Dwarfs Graduate!

We had a small graduation party for the “Dwarfs” who were proud to announce to me that they’d gotten all “10s” on their recent end of the year English test scores! They also had spend a school year speaking English with me, and for that I felt they deserved a certificate of completion. It was amazing to watch them as the year progressed and they became more proficient with the language, suddenly all 4 of them were “talking up a storm!” Thanks to some pretty phenomenal Italian language teachers and I’d like to think in some small yet big way their study and our conversational work together helped them bloom into English speakers, no small feat!

Congratulations and Yea Dwarfs! Have a FANTASTIC summer and see you next year!