The Wonderful Kids Of San Rocco….., April 2012


The kids of San Rocco Rock! They are the English class at San Rocco Middle School in San Rocco, Italy Taught by Dani Becchio.. “1st E” their class is called and they range in age, from 13-14. I was lucky enough to get to visit them in between my own classes and they asked me a LOT of questions. Well you can imagine my surprise and delight when they not only remembered my answers but invited me back for a presentation, it was all about me! Mrs. Becchio helped them put together a domino/cascade effect where one asked a question “What color is Leah’s favorite?” and the other answered and asked a new question; “it’s red. When was she born?” etc. This was  really well done and was like a domino effect, they should be quite proud. There are a couple of sentences I couldn’t make out thanks to my tiny handheld cam, but I’ve included most of the words just in case, I think their English is quite easy to understand though!  

Grazie Mille 1st E!

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