To Speak/Write Of Love (S. A continuing project March 2012)

Love Letter

Declaration Of Love

Since we are speaking on a sensitive subject and a potential source of embarrassment for S, we are keeping her anonymous.

The conversation topic for S was the subject of love. After reading provided famous love letters and other references on the topic, S was asked to write a love letter of her own in English. It could be to anyone; mother, father, sister, brother because love takes different forms. Well she chose a heartfelt letter to a young man and it was beautiful! She generously agreed to let me post what she had written. S’s English is terrific and since her letter was more poetic than perhaps formal, there were only minor corrections, for her benefit, because for the rest of us the letter stands on it’s own and you get the meaning and the feeling behind it.

Here is what she wrote with the minor corrections for future study. Remember though, the corrections, especially the highlighted blue words, actually change the “feel” of the letter itself. The highlighted blue words are words that would perhaps “read” better if written in a different way. The highlighted red words are actual errors that matter.

“The first time I saw you, we were on the bus, I stole you a glance, (I glanced at you) and thought I was flying throght (through) cloudless sky..(skies/a cloudless sky)….do you remember? Now everything has changed. I can’t express the sensation of an empty space in myself. You used to seem so well disposed to my feelings and I have deluded my self (myself) in this illusory dream. When you touched my leg and said (to) me “Hello,” I think was (I think I was, or I was) listening to a song called “Uno.” I didn’t hear your voice, I just saw your lips movement. (your lips move) while the singer was singing, (while the singer sang) “You could be number one, if you only found the time…” I didn’t know (I didn’t know it then) but that phrase was a prophecy. (would be prophetic) Maybe you don’t have time for me, perhaps I’m not enough for you, but it’s not my fault, not quite. When we speak (to) each other like true friends, when an embarrassing silent (silence) comes over us, you always hold a conversation and make me happy. But my bliss is just a momentary situation. You used me when you asked me (to keep a) for a place next to me on the bus, just because you needed that (it/one)… but I was so happy! Now you are ashamed I suppose, of me. You don’t walk out of my class, and sometimes you say hello to me, and sometimes you don’t. (Sentence needs more explanation) I’m confused, what do you feel? Indifference? Nonchalance? Or you’re just stupid? I know you will never answer me but I still hope that tomorrow or in the future you will smile to (at) me again and maybe speak to me. I’m happy if you just looked me. (I’d be happy if you just looked at me.) Everything can’t finish in this way. Please, lets make a step behind (Please, let’s take a step back..,) and begin again, but this time, begin together.

S is a charming vivacious, and gorgeous individual, and this guy is LUCKY to have been the subject of this letter!

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